How to "clean up" locked memory in SWAP?
2011-09-08 14:25:49 UTC
Hi all,

I'm using this script to get the memory stats in some servers:

It's pretty cool and works well. The problem is I have several boxes
with a lot of RAM Locked (Locked memory pages from swap). Ex:

$ /usr/local/scripts/admintools/swapinfo
RAM _____Total 49141.8 Mb
RAM Unusable 1290.1 Mb
RAM Kernel 3437.2 Mb
RAM Locked 18620.5 Mb
RAM Used 23747.2 Mb
RAM Avail 2046.8 Mb

Disk _____Total 32773.2 Mb
Disk Alloc 9387.4 Mb
Disk Free 23385.9 Mb

Swap _____Total 72248.7 Mb
Swap Alloc 51453.5 Mb
Swap Unalloc 1142.9 Mb
Swap Avail 19652.3 Mb
Swap (MinFree) 6141.7 Mb

As you can see in this machine I have almost 19GB locked (RAM
Locked 18620.5 Mb). A lot of!

So, is clear I want to "clean up" this memory. I've read a bit:

My understanding is I can "free" this locked RAM by SWAP simply shutting
down the SWAP device and then activating it again:

$ swap -d /device
$ swap -a /device

But the problem is, by default, we're using the next vfstab:

$ cat /etc/vfstab
#device device mount FS fsck mount
#to mount to fsck point type pass at boot
fd - /dev/fd fd - no -
/proc - /proc proc - no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 - - swap - no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 / ufs 1
no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s4 /var ufs 1
no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 /home ufs 2
yes -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 /opt ufs 2
yes -
/devices - /devices devfs - no -
sharefs - /etc/dfs/sharetab sharefs - no -
ctfs - /system/contract ctfs - no -
objfs - /system/object objfs - no -
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes -

So I cannot simply turn off the SWAP.

Is it possible to free all this locked RAM in SWAP? How?

Anotheer question will be of is there some way to limit the amount of
"lockable" RAM memory from SWAP...

Thanks for all.
Brian Ruthven - Solaris Network Sustaining - Oracle UK
2011-09-12 11:10:53 UTC
A quick look through the script shows that $ram_locked is calculated
from "$pageslocked - $pp_kernel", which in turn effectively comes from
the output of "kstat -p | grep system_pages".

AFAIK, "locked" memory means pages of memory which are not pageable to
the swap device; i.e. they must remain in RAM at all times. Off the top
of my head, I believe any RT processes fall into this category (xnptd
being the most common cause for me), along with explicit requests via
interfaces such as mlockall(3c). I suspect ISM or DISM (as used heavily
by multi-process databases) probably locks pages in RAM, but it's been a
while since I looked into this.

[ "ipcs -a" can be used to display ISM segments and their creators ]

If I've grasped the right end of the right stick correctly, I don't
believe removing the swap device will have any effect. All this will do
is to force any paged out memory pages back into RAM. By definition,
they were paged out because the system ran short on RAM, looked for
pages which had not been used for a while, and moved them out of RAM
onto the swap device.

IMO, it's best to leave them there until the system decides it needs to
load them back in. Otherwise you just create a bunch of IO requests now
to read them back in, and after you re-add the swap device, the next
time the system is short of memory again, it has to spend more time
paging back out those things which you forced back into RAM earlier...

So, to the real question - what is the problem you are trying to
investigate and/or fix?

"The problem is I have several boxes with a lot of RAM Locked" - is this
really a problem? What issue is it causing you?

On my desktop system at the time of writing this, I have:

unix:0:system_pages:pageslocked 624224
unix:0:system_pages:pagestotal 1502540

This equates to ~2.38Gb locked out of a total of 5.73Gb. As a
percentage, it's 41.5% (higher that the 37.8% in your example), but as
far as I'm aware, it's not causing me a problem, so I don't need to do
anything about it. If my system was thrashing the swap device and
running slowly because it was running out of RAM and constantly paging
around the locked memory, then I might look at this. Until that point is
reached, it shouldn't need any investigation.

Post by Jordi
Hi all,
It's pretty cool and works well. The problem is I have several boxes
$ /usr/local/scripts/admintools/swapinfo
RAM _____Total 49141.8 Mb
RAM Unusable 1290.1 Mb
RAM Kernel 3437.2 Mb
RAM Locked 18620.5 Mb
RAM Used 23747.2 Mb
RAM Avail 2046.8 Mb
Disk _____Total 32773.2 Mb
Disk Alloc 9387.4 Mb
Disk Free 23385.9 Mb
Swap _____Total 72248.7 Mb
Swap Alloc 51453.5 Mb
Swap Unalloc 1142.9 Mb
Swap Avail 19652.3 Mb
Swap (MinFree) 6141.7 Mb
As you can see in this machine I have almost 19GB locked (RAM Locked
18620.5 Mb). A lot of!
My understanding is I can "free" this locked RAM by SWAP simply
$ swap -d /device
$ swap -a /device
$ cat /etc/vfstab
#device device mount FS fsck mount
#to mount to fsck point type pass at
boot options
fd - /dev/fd fd - no -
/proc - /proc proc - no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 - - swap - no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 / ufs 1
no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s4 /var ufs 1
no -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 /home ufs 2
yes -
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 /opt ufs 2
yes -
/devices - /devices devfs - no -
sharefs - /etc/dfs/sharetab sharefs - no -
ctfs - /system/contract ctfs - no -
objfs - /system/object objfs - no -
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes -
So I cannot simply turn off the SWAP.
Is it possible to free all this locked RAM in SWAP? How?
Anotheer question will be of is there some way to limit the amount of
"lockable" RAM memory from SWAP...
Thanks for all.
opensolaris-discuss mailing list
Brian Ruthven
Solaris Network RPE (Sustaining)
Oracle UK
2011-09-13 13:37:27 UTC
On 09/12/11 13:10, Brian Ruthven - Solaris Network Sustaining - Oracle
Post by Brian Ruthven - Solaris Network Sustaining - Oracle UK
A quick look through the script shows that $ram_locked is calculated
from "$pageslocked - $pp_kernel", which in turn effectively comes from
the output of "kstat -p | grep system_pages".
AFAIK, "locked" memory means pages of memory which are not pageable to
the swap device; i.e. they must remain in RAM at all times. Off the top
of my head, I believe any RT processes fall into this category (xnptd
being the most common cause for me), along with explicit requests via
interfaces such as mlockall(3c). I suspect ISM or DISM (as used heavily
by multi-process databases) probably locks pages in RAM, but it's been a
while since I looked into this.
[ "ipcs -a" can be used to display ISM segments and their creators ]
Thanks for your answer Brian.
So, then I understand that Locked RAM means "RAM not pageable to the
swap device" but anyway the system can use it?
Post by Brian Ruthven - Solaris Network Sustaining - Oracle UK
If I've grasped the right end of the right stick correctly, I don't
believe removing the swap device will have any effect. All this will do
is to force any paged out memory pages back into RAM. By definition,
they were paged out because the system ran short on RAM, looked for
pages which had not been used for a while, and moved them out of RAM
onto the swap device.
IMO, it's best to leave them there until the system decides it needs to
load them back in. Otherwise you just create a bunch of IO requests now
to read them back in, and after you re-add the swap device, the next
time the system is short of memory again, it has to spend more time
paging back out those things which you forced back into RAM earlier...
So, to the real question - what is the problem you are trying to
investigate and/or fix?
"The problem is I have several boxes with a lot of RAM Locked" - is this
really a problem? What issue is it causing you?
unix:0:system_pages:pageslocked 624224
unix:0:system_pages:pagestotal 1502540
This equates to ~2.38Gb locked out of a total of 5.73Gb. As a
percentage, it's 41.5% (higher that the 37.8% in your example), but as
far as I'm aware, it's not causing me a problem, so I don't need to do
anything about it. If my system was thrashing the swap device and
running slowly because it was running out of RAM and constantly paging
around the locked memory, then I might look at this. Until that point is
reached, it shouldn't need any investigation.
Anyway it's curious because:

# host_A
RAM _____Total 49141.8 Mb
RAM Unusable 1290.1 Mb
RAM Kernel 3397.1 Mb
RAM Locked 18468.9 Mb
RAM Used 24988.4 Mb
RAM Avail 997.4 Mb

Disk _____Total 32773.2 Mb
Disk Alloc 9422.3 Mb
Disk Free 23351.0 Mb

Swap _____Total 72288.6 Mb
Swap Alloc 49919.2 Mb
Swap Unalloc 2525.3 Mb
Swap Avail 19844.1 Mb
Swap (MinFree) 6141.7 Mb

but in almost the rest of servers, like that:

# host_B
RAM _____Total 49141.8 Mb
RAM Unusable 1290.1 Mb
RAM Kernel 1774.9 Mb
RAM Locked 0.0 Mb
RAM Used 17981.2 Mb
RAM Avail 28095.7 Mb

Disk _____Total 32773.2 Mb
Disk Alloc 0.0 Mb
Disk Free 32773.2 Mb

Swap _____Total 72708.4 Mb
Swap Alloc 14486.8 Mb
Swap Unalloc 2588.9 Mb
Swap Avail 55632.7 Mb
Swap (MinFree) 6141.7 Mb

I don't understand such a big difference about this value. More useful info:

# host_A
$ prstat -s size | head -n 10

7384 sjsasadm 3567M 3532M sleep 1 0 257:38:54 0.9% java/732
14821 sjsasadm 3550M 3515M sleep 60 0 274:26:30 0.9% java/706
16201 sjsasadm 3544M 3475M cpu5 1 0 66:54:19 0.7% java/706
5272 sjsasadm 3325M 1886M sleep 58 0 0:42:24 0.5% java/705
24527 sjsasadm 631M 578M sleep 60 0 10:32:36 0.0% java/173
8693 sjsasadm 258M 126M sleep 59 0 0:57:40 0.0% java/53
1993 sjsasadm 237M 57M sleep 59 0 0:59:07 0.0% java/36
5738 sjsasadm 237M 45M sleep 59 0 1:01:27 0.0% java/37
24240 sjsasadm 237M 57M sleep 59 0 0:57:31 0.0% java/36

# host_B
$ prstat -s size | head -n 10

353 sjsasadm 3559M 3511M sleep 60 0 72:58:50 0.7% java/706
18098 sjsasadm 3552M 3527M cpu2 1 0 234:36:15 2.5% java/723
24440 sjsasadm 3543M 3503M sleep 1 0 258:41:06 0.9% java/702
20531 sjsasadm 3324M 1836M sleep 60 0 0:38:21 0.6% java/700
9522 sjsasadm 914M 845M sleep 28 0 16:58:56 0.0% java/257
20626 sjsasadm 238M 72M sleep 59 0 1:41:40 0.0% java/42
13256 sjsasadm 237M 58M sleep 59 0 1:02:46 0.0% java/36
15106 sjsasadm 237M 58M sleep 59 0 0:59:37 0.0% java/36
1320 sjsasadm 237M 57M sleep 59 0 1:00:55 0.0% java/36

As you can see the host A and B are serving Java app (it's the same app
even!) and they're using more or less the same amount of memory. So...
why this difference?

I don't want to reboot the machine, because:

1) They're in production
2) As you said, the system should be smart enough to manage the memory
in a proper way
